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Communication & Problem Solving

Communication is really important with any relationship, but when married to your spouse it can be the most important thing the two of you can do is communicate. This week we discussed the problems of communication, some of these things can be misunderstanding each other and this can cause major problems. We dove far into the New Testament in Ephesians chapter4, , I thought this was really interesting! In Ephesians 4:29-32 talks about "no corrupt communication" its basically talking about speaking Kindly and to edify and have grace. something that was said during class about edifying each other that reminded me of what my mom would always say. "If it doesn't edify you, don't say it" this means to lift each other up and if you're upset and just want to yell and scream, that won't edify and lift you both up, it will just make things worse. What is corrupt communication in a marriage? it could be not telling the full truth, like If you feel a certain way about something and you don't fully talk about it that could cause miscommunication and more conflict. Passive aggressiveness also is another example of corrupt communication, for example giving the silent treatment, this is huge! "When bit comes to communication, you can't not communicate!"

Sometimes you need your space from each other, I hear people all the time say don't go to bed angry or upset, but I think sometimes its good to go to bed and just get your space and come back to the situation in the morning when you have a clear mind set and won't say something that you didn't mean cause you were upset and tired. Giving each other the benefit of the doubt I think is a really good tip. Forgiving each other will help you both learn from experiences and help your relationship grow even more. And a marriage would be a little difficult without forgiveness. An interesting fact that we learned in class was when you're angry, 1/3 of your brain shuts off ( the problem solving part) I thought this was really interesting and just shows that when we are upset, we should just take. minute to calm down and to really think how to better the situation instead of just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.

As some of you know, I grew up with four older brothers, when we were kids, we didn't get along that well. We experienced a lot of miscommunication and conflict. We were just learning how to communicate well and we still miscommunicate sometimes. My parents are a really good example of communicating well with each other, I look up to them and hope that one day I can have a relationship and marriage like theirs. They talk about everything with each other and when they have conflict come up, they really talk it through and they don't get upset or angry, until that conflict is resolved. communication is huge in our family. if something bothers us or something that we don't like, we talk about it until its fixed, and it really helps our relationship with each other and helps us become closer to one another. Since we're all grown up now, we rarely have conflict between us. It helps keep the house feel like home and im so grateful to have my brothers and the example of my mom and dad.

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