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Family Relations Journal #1

This week in my Family Relations class at BYUI, we discussed many important topics! The one topic that really stuck out to me this week, is how important it is to have children. Disclaimer: This is also from an LDS perspective, and my personal opinions on the matter. In class this week and during our personal studies outside of class, we learned and discussed how important it is and how it effects others by having children.

I come from a family of seven. I'm the youngest of four brothers and I love every moment spent with them! Family is such a huge part of my life and to so many others! Growing up as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we are taught from a young age that families can be together for time and all eternity. Family is such an important role in the Plan of Happiness! To me, and to share a little with you my personal testimony, I believe that having children is such an important role to us in this life. I want to share this quote from President Brigham Young :

"There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty?—To prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can."

- President Brigham Young

I love this quote, and I know it to be true having been felt by the Holy Spirit. We came to Earth to gain a physical body, to become perfect like our Savior Jesus Christ one day. There are so many special spirits waiting to come to earth to also gain their bodies and be taught, they need our help with that. Heavenly Father gave us the ability to have children and I believe that if we are able to have children, why not follow what the Lord has counseled us to do. Lots of people feel they will never be ready to have children, and that's totally normal. As you counsel with your spouse and together pray to your Heavenly Father, He will give you guidance as you head to your promptings!

My family: They are the most important people to me! They love and support me unconditionally!

My parents have set the example to me on how important family is! There is a special love and happiness that comes only from family! The family is central to the Plan of Happiness! Without family what is the point? I want to have kids one day, who knows when that time may be, but I know that with faith and praying with my future husband and the Lord, I will know when the Lord needs me to bring his children to this Earth to fulfill their eternal purpose as well!

I will be posting on this blog at least once a week, maybe even more if I feel the need to do so! Feel free to comment your opinions or questions as much as you want! Hope to see y'all soon!


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