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Journal 3: Traditions and Family Culture

This week in class, we were talking about what kinds of culture our family has that we want to carry out into our families, and cultures that we don't want to carry out. While thinking of what kinds of culture we have in my family, I do have some things that I would like to change when I start my own family. We also touched on tradition. Tradition was a big thing in my family, we have quite a few traditions. Some of them were, taking a family beach trip every summer and staying for the weekend. Every year around Halloween we go to the pumpkin patch and look at all the farm animals. We also go every year around Christmas, to a tree farm and cut down our own Christmas tree. All of these traditions we still do to this day. My family back at home in Oregon went to the pumpkin patch today and sent a lot of pictures for me!

Here is a picture of my family and I at the pumpkin patch last year. And my grandma and my mom and I at the Christmas tree farm a few years ago!

I love all of my family traditions and I enjoy spending time with my family more than anything! These are the traditions that I will pass on and carry on to my family.

Moving on to my family culture, there are so many things that my family and I do that works really well, but also some that just don't. They aren't super extreme but some little things that I would change In my future family. Some things that I want to slightly change for my future family, Is more on the religious side but really anyone can do it, is Family Home Evening every Monday night. It's not like my family wouldn't do FHE, but we were all so busy with work and sports, that we didn't really have the time. We would mostly do it on Sundays at the dinner table and just talk about the scriptures and gospel related things. Some other things that I do want to carry on to my future family, would totally be spending so much time together. Me and my family has always been super close, but especially with me and my brothers, we would honestly rather spend time with each other than other people hahah, it sounds a little odd but it was really nice. I'm not sure what my parents did to help us come so close to each other, but I hope that when I start having kids, that they will be the same way and really want to spend quality time with their siblings. I just want to shout out my mom and my dad for raising such a wonderful family and being the best parents to me and my brothers!

Please feel free to comment some of your family traditions and family culture in your family! I would love to hear form some of you, if anyone has found this and decide to read it! Till next week!


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