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Journal 5 Preparing for Marriage & Dating

This week we were discussing marriage and dating! I really enjoyed learning more about this topic because I'm still dating and looking to eventually find a future spouse! we were talking about how in todays day, we have kind of replaced the word courtship with dating. People usually don't really want to date because that might mean that we are "expected" to find a spouse res fast as we can. And that is terrifying to think about that, so I can understand why dating isn't really as big of a deal as It used to be. From listening to others and during this lecture, dating used to be to have fun and thats really the only way to get to know someone. Now a days, there are so many resources to meet people, there are dating sites, apps, ads, and so much more to help you out a bit. In one our readings, it was listing the different reasons why it is either good or bad to date someone on an app or website. Some of the arguments give for why it is good to meet people to date online was that we have more options and a wider variety of potential dates, you could also learn more about someone before you actually go out with them. Some of the opposite side of the spectrum, these were some of their arguments against finding people to date online. People could not be truthful or lie about who they are, you might get attached to someone who lives super far way and that doesn't really help your situation, and you can't see how they react in different situations and there are so many more reasons for Bothe sides. Feel free to comment what you think about meeting people online to date!

During our class this morning, we were talking about what a date is. We said that it was planned, paid for, and paired off. We compared these three things to three things stated in the LDS proclamation to the world which was, provide, protect, and preside. I learned that usually if you're going on a date and if the guy doesn't really plan for it or initiate anything, that could show how it could be if you end up marrying that person, that they aren't really willing to provide for you and your family. "If he doesn't pay for anything, what makes you think he will want to provide for you and the family?"

We moved on to our next subject which was about how sometimes spending too much time with the person you're in a relationship with, that could later lead to marriage failure. A suggestion that our professor gave us is to go out twice a week when you're dating and only twice. This way, you both can learn how to be independent and not rely on each other for anything like being happy, or depending on them on certain things.

There are different types of love, there is Agape which means charity, the next is Eros love which is more passion and romantic, Storge is more of the parental love and the love that is shared between parents and children, the last one is Philip which is a friendly love and brotherly love toward friends. All these types of love come from the greek language. I really enjoyed this section of my family relations class and I hope that whoever is reading this finds it interesting as well and gets something out of it! Till next time!


The Proclamation to the World:

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